Dear ,

One of the many ways Satisfyer is known for delivering the BEST pleasure products is through our outstanding designs. This has been proven time and again by our numerous design awards and proven now with our latest WIN of 11 Good Design Award – sweeping the Personal Experience category!

GOOD DESIGN® Awards is the oldest prestige design award of its kind. The annual GOOD DESIGN® Awards acknowledged Satisfyer’s winning products in the Personal Experience category, including: Satisfyer One Night Stand, Satisfyer Strengthening Balls, Satisfyer Lovely Honey, Satisfyer Secret Affair, Satisfyer Love Beads, Satisfyer VBalls, Satisfyer Men Wand, Satisfyer Wand-er Woman, Satisfyer Sweet Treat, Satisfyer Booty Call, and Satisfyer Endless Fun.

We look forward to working with you to bring award-winning pleasure to you in 2021!


Satisfyer 提供最佳愉悅產品的著名眾多方式之一,就是通過我們出色的設計。我們獲得眾多設計獎項,一次又一次地證明了這一點!現在,我們最新又贏得了 11項 GOODDESIGN® 大獎,橫掃其”個人體驗”類別獎項!

GOODDESIGN® 大獎是同類中歷史最悠久的聲譽設計大獎。年度 GOODDESIGN® 獎認可了 Satisfyer 在“個人體驗”類別中的獲獎產品,包括:Satisfyer One Night Stand一次性吸吮器 , Strengthening Balls 聰明球, Satisfyer Lovely Honey 口紅震動器, Satisfyer Secret Affair 口紅震動器, Satisfyer Love Beads 後庭拉珠, Satisfyer VBalls 聰明球, Satisfyer Men Wand魔杖震動器, Satisfyer Wand-er Woman 多工按摩棒, Satisfyer Sweet Treat 轉轉小甜筒震動器, Satisfyer Booty Call 後庭拉珠, and Satisfyer Endless Fun Y字震動器
